Get Your Funds

Submit your case, and our team will assess recovery potential and create a customized strategy to reclaim your assets.


How process of crypto recovery looks like?


Incident Overview

Victims provide detailed information and complete KYC, allowing our investigation team to collect data and gain a comprehensive understanding of the incident's details.


Tracing Stolen Assets

Investigation team analyzes transactions using specialized tracing software to track movements of stolen funds through DEXs, bridges and to CEX platforms.


Fraud Report Alert

StarCompliance reports information about stolen transactions to AML services, alerting market participants. This enables the temporary blocking of assets on trading platforms and provides legal confirmation that funds received by a third party have been reported as stolen.


Legal Action Initiation

We launch legal proceedings against the perpetrators and perform on-chain transaction analysis to help block their assets. Our partner lawyers collaborate closely with our investigation team during this vital phase of asset recovery.


Asset Recovery Management

In this stage, we manage the recovery of assets that have been previously blocked. Using the collected data and applicable legal frameworks, our team can collaborate with law enforcement and financial institutions to initiate legal proceedings against the scammers and recover your stolen assets.

Crypto Fraud: Types & Solutions

The basic principles of cryptocurrencies are user anonymity, irrevocability of transactions, and lack of centralized regulation. However, such principles make cryptocurrency assets an lucrative target for fraudsters, who are sure of their impunity.


Unscrupulous exchanges and exchangers, fake online stores, fraudulent casinos and so on.


Attackers hack accounts on exchanges, wallets and other services where cryptocurrency is stored.


Accessing sensitive data on cryptocurrency owners through mailing lists and phishing sites.


Fraudsters manage to gain access to accounts or directly force cryptocurrency transfers by tricking through dialogue on Telegram, X, or other social communication platforms..


Pseudo-projects invite you to make an investment, but then disappear. Their goal is to steal cryptocurrency.

There are other schemes and ways.

StarCompliance will conduct a through crypto fraud investigation regardless of how your cryptocurrency was accessed and stolen.

Our tools in the fight
against crypto-fraudsters

Our team takes a comprehensive approach to recovering stolen crypto assets, using cutting-edge software and combining decades of professional compliance experience. The main tools we use are:

Tracing software to find your money even if it went through crypto mixers.

Individual Identification Techniques, such as OSINT and legal KYC requests.

Tech-savvy lawyers who can launch a lawsuit and represent you across the globe.

Connection with regulators that allows to work with CEXes at the legal level.

Collaborate with international law institutions, such as Interpol and AML regulators.

Public coverage of any fraudulent situation, reducing PR damage.

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How long does it take to return stolen cryptocurrency?

From a few months to a few years

Various factors determine how long it will take to recovery and return your funds. These include location, how many people/countries are involved, where the funds are, and how long legal proceedings take. However, we work hard to get your funds back to you ASAP.

Can you help to investigate thefts from cold wallets?


We certainly can help you with cold crypto wallet theft.

What information do you need from me to conduct a crypto investigation?


You pay upfront for the preliminary investigation, enabling our team to swiftly trace the stolen funds using advanced tools and experts. We will inform you if recovery is feasible. If it is, you pay as the investigation continues. If not, there are no additional charges.

What information do you need from me to conduct a crypto investigation?

First— a wallet from which funds have been stolen

Specify the wallet from which the cryptocurrency was stolen. Any data that will help us begin our investigation process will be helpful.

Why is stolen cryptocurrency so hard to recover?

Difficult to recover due to anonymity and decentralization.

Cryptocurrency's core principles—anonymity, decentralization, and irreversibility—make holding fraudsters accountable difficult. However, at StarCompliance, we use advanced software and expert legal teams to conduct thorough investigations, achieving a strong track record in recovering funds for our clients.